Air-Fryer Falafel Naan Wrap

12-24 hours Prep Time
20 min Cook Time

Indulge in a flavor-packed journey with our Air-Fryer Falafel Naan Wrap on Stonefire Original Naan! Crispy falafel bites, bursting with Middle Eastern spices, are nestled in soft, pillowy naan bread, alongside crisp veggies and creamy tahini sauce, creating a tantalizing fusion of textures and tastes. Easy to make and impossible to resist, this wrap is a surefire hit for a satisfying meal that’s both wholesome and delicious.


  • 2 cups dried chickpeas (NOT canned chickpeas)
  • ½  cup fresh parsley leaves, stems removed
  • 1 cup fresh cilantro leaves, stems removed
  • ½ cup fresh dill, stems removed
  • ½ large onion, quartered
  • 6 garlic cloves, peeled
  • 3 tsp ground cumin
  • 3 tsp ground coriander
  • ½ tsp cayenne pepper
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds 

For serving: 

  • Stonefire Original Naan
  • Tzatziki sauce
  • Cucumber, diced
  • Tomato, diced or quartered
  • Pickled Onions
  • Fresh Herbs
  • Lettuce 


  1. Prepare Chickpeas: Soak dried chickpeas for 12-24 hours. 
  2. Blend Ingredients: Rinse and drain chickpeas. In a food processor, combine chickpeas, red onion, garlic, parsley, coriander, mint, salt, black pepper, cumin, turmeric, and smoked paprika. Pulse until mixed but still slightly chunky. 
  3. Chill Mixture: Transfer the mixture to a bowl and chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. 
  4. Prepare Falafel Mixture: Just before frying, mix in baking powder, baking powder, and sesame seeds. 
  5. Shape the mixture into balls and place in the air fryer basket. 
  6. Air Fry Falafel: Air fry at 400°F in 5-minute intervals until golden brown on the outside, approximately 15 minutes in total. 
  7. Assemble Wraps: To assemble the falafel naan wraps, spread tzatziki sauce on warmed Stonefire Original Naan. Top with diced cucumber, tomatoes, falafel, pickled red onions, and fresh herbs. Enjoy! 

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